Challenging concepts of the Pentecostal Religion

Thursday 31 December 2009

Starting my journey

I am a christian but have no church to attend. I still believe that God has great plans for my life. Since I was asked to leave my local church(that's a whole other post) I am gaining a FRESH PERSPECTIVE.

I am realising that so many doctrines that I have been taught in church are B.S-Bad Sayings!!
Many of us have been taught not to question our preacher and believe that s/he is always hearing from God. My belief however, is that many of them are hearing from their imaginations, the creditors of the church and even their own egos while saying it was God. Don't get me wrong. It is not my intention to create a blog to disrespect the church. I love the church and because of this I want to see it develop and grow.

My concern is that many have blind faith and as a result have become brain dead Christian clones. Many people believe things because their pastor told them to believe it. Few people have independent thinking and fewer still have dared to challenge their own assumptions.
Since I was a child I have questioned many of the teachings which I have heard:

Would a loving God send my sisters to hell for wearing trousers?
Should I give a tithe to a church?
Why should I listen to a single person talk about marriage?
Why should a broke person tell me how to deal with my finances?

These are amongst the many questions that I have asked myself for years and when I seek answers from the preachers I am given the brain dead response;"Go and pray about it, have faith and even,"Don't question the preacher." I would not accept this answer from my doctor, dentist or teacher, so why am I expected to accept this nonsense from any other source?

As a sound minded, intelligent, creative individual, I cannot sit from week to week being brainwashed without listening to the God In Me. I have seen that pattern of thinking contribute to the destruction of so many lives.

I will continue to ask questions and as I have nothing else to do on a Sunday- I will continue to write this blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I removed it by accident sorry. What i said was it sounds interesting. I share some of your concerns and look forward to future posts.
